Are Dental Implants Safe? Know everything in detail

Yes, we are safe, and here is why:

  • They are biocompatible

Teeth implants are screws made of titanium, a biocompatible material, which means they can function without causing issues in the body. Furthermore, the is little to no chance that the body will reject the implants.

  • The implant surgery has over 95 percent success rate.

Dental implants have been around for more than five decades, meaning the procedure has been tested and tried. Many of the initial risks have been minimized, and on average, the implants have about 95 percent.

What Do You Need Before the Implants Are Fixed?

Yes, these restorations are safe and effective, but before you can get dental implants near you, there are a few things to know. For instance, dental implants are not ideal for everyone, and you need to meet the eligibility criteria.

  • Bone density

Since the implants are surgically fixed on the jaw bone, you need to have sufficient bone support for them to be fixed. An implant dentist in Fort Myers, FL, may recommend a bone graft if you lack enough bone support. Bone grafting is a procedure that involves taking bone from your body and attaching it to the jaw bone where it is needed.

To Read More About the dental implants near you
